Welcome to the Interfaith Federation's 2021 Virtual Prayer Breakfast. We hope you will join us in a day of thanksgiving and prayer as we focus on "Creating Sacred Spaces: Staying United in Turbulent Times." 8 AM: Virtual Gathering with Candles. Watch the Board of...
Prayers for Our Community
PRAYERS FOR OUR COMMUNITY by local Baton Rouge religious leaders. Pause throughout the day for prayer. 7:00 am Baha'i video8:00 am Baptist video 9:00 am Buddhist video 10:00 am Catholic 11:00 am Christian Science videonoon Church of Jesus Christ of...
Holy Grill Feeding Program
HOLY GRILL We serve hot lunches at Cadillac St. Park, 6117 Cadillac St. at noon Monday through Friday. This BREC Park is located in Zion City, in North Baton Rouge. Interested in volunteering to help serve lunch? Come and meet the Holy Grill family. Contact Tonia...
More than Kumbaya
More than KumbayaMore than Kumbaya ...a video series for your small groupResource: Looking for a conversation-starter for your small group? FlyerKumbaya Prayer: A Dawn of a New Day FlyerKumbaya Song: Sung by Antonio Rice videoMore than...
find us
3112 Convention St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Call us
(225) 267-5600
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM